Core Values

Innovative Mission Opportunities will pursue every opportunity to share Jesus as the Holy Spirit leads.

Innovative Mission Opportunities will remain true to the message of the Gospel and in reporting what God is doing.

Innovative Mission Opportunities will maintain high financial standards and will maximize resources provided by God.

Innovative Mission Opportunities will mobilize any/all Great Commission Christians to share the name of Jesus with those who have never heard.

Innovative Mission Opportunities will actively cooperate with those who share this mission.

Innovative Mission Opportunities will be innovative in providing leadership and developing new platforms to share the name of Jesus with different cultures.
Innovative Mission Opportunities is a 501c3 non-profit organization and receives no state or federal funding. It is solely through tax-deductible gifts from individual contributors, corporations, foundations, churches and various other community organizations, as well as fund raising events and product sales that Innovative Mission Opportunities is able to reach the unreached so “that all may hear.”

The final words of Jesus were “…to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) and God’s heart is still for those who have never heard the name of Jesus. Decide to go! Decide to give! Touch the heart of God!